Volvo wants to stop selling cars – launches "M" service


Owning the car is about to be overtaken, and some who want to keep up are Volvo. Now, the manufacturer is launching a new unique mobility service. "Volvo Cars will be more than a car company," said CEO Håkan Samuelsson

when Volvo launched its Volvo Care City subscription service, another step was taken from selling traditional cars . Now we take another and launch the M brand, a kind of mobility service described as "a better alternative to the private ownership of the car".

– Urban consumers today think of car ownership. M is part of our answer to that. According to Håkan Samuelsson, we are developing service delivery directly to consumers.

This means that, like almost every other car manufacturer, Volvo now has a form of mobility solution underway. How to convince consumers to choose theirs is an open and difficult question to break, but Volvo says you have a unique thought.

Self-service for the service

According to the manufacturer, M should use his own learning technique and he is based on the "conversation" with the users. Instead, just give information about where your nearest car is – lets customers answer questions about their specific needs. And just this added value will convince people to choose Volvo.

– The services offered today are excellent alternatives to taxi or public transport. We focus instead on how people use the cars they own, which makes us unique, says Bodil Eriksson, Volvo Car Mobility's head.

Volvo believes that their approach should be based more on the terms and conditions of the users and that M will help to optimize the time.

No Uber competitor according to Volvo

Ubers Nordenchef Joel Järvinen liked Volvo to say that the private car is their biggest competitor. But Volvo's new mobility service should not be seen as a competitor of Uber, says Bodil Eriksson, CEO of Volvo Car Mobility, in Ny Teknik

– A big difference is that we are developing a service that you will understand as you should. understand. You will feel like having your own car without you owning it. It will not necessarily be a mass service, but a premium variant with slightly higher delivery requirements, in all respects.

The new service will take advantage of Volvo's experience in Sunfleet company since the 90s. And those who are members will be transferred to Mr. in 1969.

The development base will be Stockholm and a beta Major service testing will take place in the fall before the M-service is officially released later this year. According to Volvo, the launch of the new service is part of the ambition to create more than five million consumer relationships up to 2025.

Read more: Nordic Uber Chief: "We we are only at the beginning of our journey "

Volvo Car Mobility is currently working to solve problems such as the most efficient way to find the right car at the right time, says Erik Jivmark, Digital Director of Volvo Car Mobility.

simple but difficult. At present, we work with the service to be reliable so that you can find the car you are going. If it is in a garage, which floor? In the next alfafas, we will be more interested in the staff and this fall, we hope to help the people who test the product ", explains Erik Jivmark

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