We are dangerous in July


– At the same time, there is a significant increase in insecurity in resorts, which are experiencing a large influx of tourists and visitors during the summer months

More than two Swedes in Five (43%) Swedes and Security 2017, a report from Kantar Sifo commissioned by Verisure

In March, April and May, 5 percent or less indicate that they feel insecure – while the figure is up to eight times higher in June (23%) and July (43%). More than a third of Swedes also report worrying about being robbed.

– During the summer, many media reports burglar season, which could contribute to perceived insecurity. There is probably a correlation between the crimes we read in the media during the summer and the increased insecurity in July. Fredrik Ringborg

The Swedish report on security is based on a survey conducted by Kantor Sifo. 19659006] How to Avoid Burglaries

Talk to your neighbors and tell them when you are leaving for long periods.

Make sure that …

How to Avoid Burglaries

Talk to your neighbors and inform them

Make sure to invest in security measures such as l & # 39; alarm and security door.

Get hours for your lighting. A constantly illuminating light says almost nothing if the homeowners are at home or not, but lighting that turns on and off in different rooms can give the impression that the home is full of life .

Check that the doors and windows are closed and locked. Do not let expensive objects appear in Windows.

If you are not yet active in a neighboring group, check how you can be.

A complete mailbox often means an empty house for the thief: ask a neighbor or acquaintance if it can empty the mailbox.

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