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"We never had the chance to do it, we had a lot of difficult demands, but we got up and made the requests, but they were never interested in taking part in the results, they had already decided "said Dori Chamoun.

It was Monday that Norrköping News was able to reveal that Arla would move the Boxholm Dairy to Östersund.

"For me, it was a shock, there was a meeting here on Thursday and so we received the message from the staff on Monday when they called everyone who was free, they understood that something was happening but not seriously, says Dori Chamoun, who has been working in the dairy for ten years.

Photo: Andreas Schander

Another employee remembers before Arla bought the dairy seven years ago.
"Previously, we were more and more family oriented, but when Arla bought the dairy, things never became the same," says Anna Hoff, who is in the dairy.

She started working on the dairy as a summer writer in 1991. Since then, she has remained. But after 27 years, she understands that the story ends in 14 months.
"Customers have told us that Arla would be sure to sell in a few years, but we have always defended it, that when that would not happen, we kept ourselves all the time in addition to some strict demands that we have received but we have always done, we are all fully aware of Arla, "says Anna Hoff.

At the end of 2019/2020, cheese production is leaving the municipality. But Boxholmsosten as a product will continue.
"I feel both cheated and pissed off and there is no chance that the cheese tastes the same when made in Östersund, it's a craft and we are very afraid of the bacterial culture found in the walls. here they will move it to Östersund In addition, says Jocke Liljeqvist.

Together, Trion has 57 years of work behind the dairy and, although they feel both sadness and anger, they are grateful for the support they receive from individuals.

"It's just as many people who are engaging and we are very grateful for all the appreciation we receive," said Jocke Liljeqvist.

It is currently meeting on the protest lists and on October 30, it is a trip by train from Linköping to Boxholm. There, a protest march will be organized from Ica to the dairy where the cheese must be bought for support.

"We are going to do good business on cream cheese that day to express our gratitude to all those who support us," said Anna Hoff.

Message Dystra: The cheese dairy Anrika leaves Östergötland

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