Wedding gift flew in the way – ball filled with money


Photo: Private

The wedding gift stole his food.

"Oh, the balloon flew". "The balloon that had our contribution to the honeymoon itself."

The conversation took place during the wedding of Eva Rosquist and Fredrik Hedby during the weekend.

Eva Rosquist and Fredrik Hedbys, 29, and from Uppsala, said for the weekend, yes to each other in front of family and friends just outside Orsa to Dalarna.

For the explanation, the couple had their heads high in the blue – and there they would not be alone, it turned out soon. Discover the gifts during the day, but they stood on the newspaper. Our kind parents took gifts and when they crossed the courtyard, the balloon was released from the gift of our friends and disappeared, "recounts Eva Rosquist

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Fredrik Hedbys and Eva Rosquist are now married

Seven of the couple's friends ransacked their bags and conceived a vision of the couple's miniature honeymoon. The trip will go to Zanzibar, and the small kitesurfical plastic dolls held in the helium balloon which is a hundred meters in the air

What the couple did not know, it 's the same thing. is that the balloon contained the contribution of friends to the trip. we loved kitesurfing and had filled the helium balloon with five hundred rounds. We discovered when those who gave us the ball said "oh the balloon flew". Then he was a few hundred meters in the air

Can laugh

The balloon full of money has received a lot of attention since, among other things, the Democrat Dala has written on the event. If someone found and left the balloon to the couple, they would be very happy, but they were confused with the idea that the money was gone.

– At first we thought it was very bad and we wondered if we could crush it with something, but it was too far away. We do not blame anyone for that, but we see it as a fun story that we can laugh at later. Perhaps more could learn the lesson not to stop the money in a helium balloon, "says laughing Eva Rosquist

The trick that saves your wedding planning 00 : 39