Wholesalers hold this year's Kalix carpet room


Siklöjan is a small salmon fish up to 30 cm long. A women's sweater weighs about 20-30 grams and carries about 3-5 grams of space. Egg size varies during the fishing season and increases towards the end.

Siklöja is found in the freshwater and white waters of northern Europe, southern Sweden and the North East. It lives mainly in lakes but thrives in the living waters of Bothnian Bay.

In 2010, the Kalix litter was granted a protected designation of origin, which is the strongest food protection of the EU.

Only parts of the bicycle island fished and processed in the municipalities of Haparanda, Kalix, Luleå and Piteå can be called Kalix Mountain Room.

This year, the fish started on September 23rd and continues until October 24th.

Source: Nationalencyklopedin, Norrbotten Coastal Fishermen's Organization (NKFPO)

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