WINTER: Do not forget to change the time – News in Nybro – 24 hours a day


The last weekend of October of each year is defined by the hour. Now begins the normal time, also called winter time. At 3 pm between Saturday and Sunday, the clock will be changed, but it can be difficult to remember in which direction?

The video lists a number of tips to remember:

It's time to come strikes 3:00 in the night from Saturday to Sunday, between 27 and 28 October, which will be postponed to 02:00. This means that you will have an extra hour of sleep.

Normal time, then winter time, was introduced in 1879 because people had become more mobile in the world and had had more contact with other places, writes Leva & Bo. Before that, there were local times in the country, and the hours were set when the sun was high. Sweden was the first to introduce normal time, but it took 15 years for the House of Representatives to debate the time at which it would apply.

It was only in 1980 which was introduced in the summer to synchronize with other European neighbors. Sweden tried to introduce summer time for attempts for the first time in 1916, the same year as several other countries, but the farmers protested so much that the attempt did not happen. was not repeated the following year. After the unpopular summer trial, summer time was only introduced in Sweden in 1980.

More and more countries want Now, go back to winter only. In most parts of the world, there is no summer and winter time is counted as normal time. According to a survey by DN / Ipsos, two out of three Swedes want to end the current program and not change the clock twice a year.

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