Women who can become the next CEO of Handelsbanken


He was recently attacked at Handelsbanken. Dagens Industri also provided data on violations committed within Handelsbanken Capital Markets and reviewed the bank's activities.

A little over two weeks ago, the bank announced that its CEO, Anders Bouvin, should stop. Then, it was also proved that he had been forced to leave his post.

From now on, DI reports that Handelsbanken is about to have its first female CEO. According to sources, Carina Åkerström, Katarina Ljungqvist and Nina Arkilahti are likely to reduce their positions within the bank.

"All three are routine assessments, credit and risk assessment, which will likely be more important in a coming recession," a newspaper source said.

Since 2010 Carina Åkerström has been Director of Handelsbanken Regional Bank in Stockholm and Deputy Chief Executive Officer since 2016. She is also a member of the Group Executive Board. Katarina Ljungqvist is also a member of the group's management, as well as regional director of the bank for Handelsbanken, in western Sweden. Nina Arkilahti is the director of Handelsbanken in Sweden and is part of the group management.

The newspaper also reports that recruitment can take place outside. The chairman of the bank, Pär Boman, previously stated that a recruitment could take place outside the bank.

"Not necessarily, this time we have the time to research and evaluate candidates both inside and outside the bank," he told the newspaper. .

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