You want to see better school food for money


In conjunction with World Diabetes Day, which is being held today, November 14th, the non-profit association Fresh Food wants to see several measures to make tax-funded food more nutritious and beneficial. for health.

"A power gathering in Jönköping County and Sweden is now needed to slow the sharp rise in type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-related diseases." Public food has a major impact on the health of people living with diabetes. At the same time, the country's decision-makers can control it and demand higher demands, "said Anna Lindelöw Mannheimer, president of the nonprofit organization Frisk Mat.

"Although all meals in schools, hospitals and retirement homes are supposed to be nutritious and healthy, this is unfortunately not always the case today.

Bad eating habits

According to the National Board of Health, a quarter of Swedes are at risk of falling ill or dying prematurely due to poor eating habits. For example, only two Swedes in ten consume daily the amount of fruit and vegetables recommended by the National Food Administration.

At the same time, other research shows that the foods we eat can prevent some of our major diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. A high sugar diet that dramatically increases blood sugar levels forces the body to produce large amounts of insulin to try to reduce it. This becomes a problem if the body is often exposed to it and the risk of type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-related diseases increases dramatically.

"Take care of available skills"

In Sweden, more than eight billion taxpayer dollars are spent each year on raw materials for the three million meals served daily in public administrations. However, despite the fact that there are both knowledge and good recommendations on the design of the public meal, many institutions do not respect them, writes Frisk Mat in the press release.

"We know that there are a lot of great elders who work with public food there, but the quality of tax-financed food is very different depending on the country where you live." We want to exhort governments and county councils to take advantage of all existing skills, knowledge and recommendations by creating the conditions for their compliance, "said Anna Lindelöw Mannheimer.

Fresh Food is an initiative of Food Pharmacy that started with the #sjukmat call early in the year. In September, the independent non-profit association was created under the same name.

Knowledge exchange: Promote the exchange of knowledge between different public bodies, such as donation.

Knowledge exchange: Promote the exchange of knowledge between different public bodies, for example by means of digital tools. Today, there are many exquisite kitchens in the country whose knowledge must be protected and disseminated to those who need it.

control: Put in place a control function similar to that associated with food hygiene, but linked to food nutrition. This ensures that tax-funded foods are of high quality throughout the country and meet Nordic nutrition recommendations, no matter where you live.

Legal requirements: The same school law sets the legal requirements for nutritional care and food care. All publicly produced foods should be considered important within the meaning of the law.

Source: fresh food

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