Youth unemployment continues to fall – Småländningen


Unemployment continues to decline in the country. At the end of June, 336,000 unemployed people were enrolled in the Employment Service, up from 350,000 last year, including 46,000 young people aged 18 to 24, 6,000 fewer than the year before. last, which means that at 8.6% by the end of June. This is the lowest level since the 2008 financial crisis, when youth unemployment doubled from 8.2% in June to 16.1% in the same month in 2009. However, unemployment is more low among young women, 6.9% against 10.2% among young men

In Kronoberg County, youth unemployment is 4.5%, which corresponds to 523 unemployed unemployed. The country's lowest in Ljungby by 3.1%, while Lessebo, which is also the only place in Kronoberg where unemployment has increased, does not exceed 11.5%. Markaryd has a youth unemployment rate of 4.5 percent while Älmhults is 6.9 percent.

– We still have a very strong demand for manpower. According to Andreas Mångs, an analyst at the Employment Service, this gives a lot of job opportunities, especially for young people with a high school education but lacking experience.

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