4,000 Swiss francs for virtual combat equipment, paid with Papi's credit card: According to the "NZZ am Sonntag", the Swiss addiction counseling agencies are worried about what the Young online players are waiting more and more. And not only is the psychological well-being of children endangered. Often children find themselves in a spiral of debt because they lose control of the costs incurred.
The game industry floods the gaming market that could be downloaded for free at first, but then offer many additional buying opportunities. The proportion of these forms of gambling has increased by a third over the past two years.
Problems of gambling addiction and loss of control in adolescents: Are you concerned? Does your child show risky behavior? Log in 20 minutes. For the form:
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The newspaper refers to the figures in Germany, where the gaming market in 2017 has already set up about 3 billion d & # 39; euros and the proportion of games with additional purchase The structure was about 15%. They are comparable to Switzerland, says the industry association.
More than half of the beds occupied
"For nearly two years, cases have been increasing where teens are buzzing in a few days in a buzz Frank Eidenbenz, head of the Center for Gambling Addiction to the Swiss Health Foundation Radix
According to a study conducted by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, about 8% of the more than 1,000 young people surveyed in Switzerland have problem gambling behaviors. and 13 years are particularly at risk, they are most likely to lose control.
Such gambling addiction is a growing problem worldwide. According to the "NZZ am Sonntag", the University Hospital of Basel opened Switzerland's first addiction department this week and more than half of the twelve beds are already occupied.
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