20 minutes – A poisoned woman with Nowitschok dies in hospital


Briton Dawn Sturgess, poisoned by Nowitschok, died, South West England police said on Sunday night. The 44-year-old woman and her partner Charles Rowley, 45, were hospitalized in Salisbury a week ago

. "I am shocked and shocked," she says, according to a statement

Amesbury's 44-year-old woman and her 45-year-old companion were admitted to Salisbury District Hospital last Saturday with poisoning. She leaves three children. The man is still in critical condition, as told a police spokesman.

Investigators believe that both men were inadvertently in contact with the deadly neurotoxin. The Amesbury couple could have found a vial or syringe with remnants of the poison used in the assassination of the Skripals. British media reported that both were drug users.

Pharmacy, Church and House Curly

Police cordoned off six areas at Amesbury and Salisbury, 13 kilometers away, in which the couple first symptoms. These include a pharmacy, a church and the house of 45-year-olds. The hostel where his girlfriend lived was evacuated.

It is not excluded that other people may come into contact with the poison as long as the contaminated object is not found in the couple's case. The Salisbury Hospital assured Saturday that the risk to the population was low. A police officer who was examined Saturday for alleged intoxication at the hospital could receive confirmation.

The former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal (67 years old) and his daughter Julia (33) was found unconscious four months ago on a park bench in nearby Salisbury. They have barely escaped death and are now living in a secret place. They were also treated at Salisbury District Hospital.

(kaf / afp / sda)

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