20 minutes – Berne station removes suburban brands


There is a risk of collisions at the Bern railway station: people who are absorbed in their smartphones, people who snake between two people with two cups of coffee or school groups who want to take a train in tandem training. The risk of meeting someone at Bern railway station is relatively high.


Are such SBB landmarks needed?

"Unfortunately humanity is stupid en masse"

Who also looked at the CFF and developed a project two years ago to remedy it. The idea: Mark the directions in the underpass of the station with big arrows on the floor and on the ceiling. Now, CFF markings have been removed

Markers lose their effect over time

The project does not want to talk about a failure at CFF, as reported by Der Bund. There would have been no complaints about signposts. On the contrary, it is customary for such markers to be removed after a certain time, says SBB spokesman Oliver Dischoe.

Signage would not only be unsightly over time, but would also lose its effect. This is why it takes breaks without marking.

These marks at the Bern railway station were the first in Switzerland. Reason for Effort: At no major Swiss station, there is such a narrow passage that is currently in the only underpass in Bern, Dischoe said. As a result, the Bern railway station will also be enlarged. Another underpass at the west end of the station will bring relief.


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