20 minutes – CFF compensation ensures head shaking


As many kilometers as ever, this summer will be built in Switzerland. Affected are hundreds of thousands of travelers who must take detours and delays. As part of the summer schedule, SBB launched for the first time this year a "Customer Compensation Pilot Project", officially known as Tages-Anzeiger, but the The system is so complex that many commuters do not receive compensation. In any case, travelers have the right to travel only on the blocked road Berne-Lausanne

The effort is too high

For them, there is a good 100 francs – They make detours having to endure at least 10 days and they signed up with a Swiss Pass online on a modern smartphone and have GPS tracking permanently on. In addition, the preview of SBB apps must be installed, the Swiss Pass must be connected to the application and the field "Project Compensation" must be clicked here. Only customers who record all trips receive the voucher, manual tracking is impossible.

Commuters interviewed by the "Tages-Anzeiger" are bored by the registration fees, the requirement of a modern smartphone and the constant location by the SBB App. In addition, the compensation was set too low. In addition, the application did not recognize the place during the log self-test.

Critics also come from the association "Pro Bahn", which represents the interests of customers of the railways, as well as politics. The SBB wants to complete the pilot project properly before drawing a conclusion.


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