20 minutes – Opel fired through unshielded guardrail?


On the Niederglatt overpass, a 19-year-old man was seriously injured Saturday morning at 7:15. "She was on the way from Flawil to Uzwil when she broke the left safety gate with her vehicle in a right turn and landed on the rails," said Bertrand Hug, spokesman for the cantonal police of St. Gallen. At the same time, SBB RegioExpress 4961 was approaching Uzwil: "The train hit the car on several cars," says Hug.

Because starts up and blocks the SBB line

"She drove too fast"

Residents and road users heard the horror accident: "J & # I heard a thud and I immediately fainted "a local resident. When he saw the car and the security fence broken, he immediately called the police, said the man. "I also talked to the driver of the car that was following her, so the young woman was traveling too fast," said the resident. "Apparently, she drove without control against the guardrail."

What exactly led to the accident, was still not clear Sunday. The driver had been transported from the Rega to the hospital with serious injuries. "We can not give any information on his current state of health," said police spokesman Hug. Neither one nor the other could question the woman, nor was there any test for alcohol or drugs.

The woman's white Opel suffered a total loss. "It's a miracle that she was recovered from the wreckage," says a police officer involved. The 80 or so passengers of RegioExpress had to be evacuated. As a result, the route was closed for hours. The buses were used. There was long waiting time.


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