20 minutes – Prüfer von Baar needs a hospital treatment


The Zug Criminal Court ordered a closed hospitalization treatment to the Baar examiner. This attacked a woman last August in Baar on the Dorfstrasse and injured her. One of the three children with whom the woman was traveling was also injured.

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The Zug Criminal Court finds that the man is guilty of paranoid schizophrenia. The court finds the diagnosis understandable, writes the "Zuger Zeitung"

Safety due to a high risk of relapse

Until his health improves, the man must undergo a closed hospitalization treatment. The accused had requested outpatient treatment. Due to the high risk of relapse but this is not possible. "This is not a demand concert," said the judge.

For the criminal court is clear: the offender acted unlawfully – with regard to the woman was the facts of the attempted serious injury and their daughter-in-law. However, his behavior is not guilty because of his schizophrenia.

Until the measure of hospitalization begins, the man must remain in detention. The judgment is not final yet. He can pass it to the high court.


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