20 minutes – Several hundred tenants lose their low-cost housing


The Zurich Tenants Association is concerned: The single mothers and the elderly of the District 4 Hohl- / Eglistrasse establishments have to leave their homes. The À-Porta Foundation wants to completely renew the nearly 200 low-cost apartments and present their tenants at the end of September 2019.


Are you satisfied with the amount of your rent?

The reason for the replacement building is the so-called poor building substance. In addition, the majority of 2.5 and 3.5 room apartments need to be converted to 50% family apartments and 50% apartments, as the Tages-Anzeiger writes.

The Tenant Association sounds the alarm

alarmed. The planned construction program would not meet the needs of current tenants, either by the number of rooms or the price. Up to now, the rent was 600 to 800 francs. In the worst case, tenants will have to apply for additional social assistance

The À-Porta Foundation is justified. The new rents have not been fixed yet, says CEO Armin Isler. Similarly, 23 people returned could have moved to another camp in À-Porta: "As soon as free foundation apartments will be available, other moves will follow". said Isler.

On the other hand, the Foundation has clearly rejected the proposal of the tenants' association to proceed in stages. This would only result in a permanent construction site and higher costs. And that, in turn, would mean higher rents.

Not an isolated case

Another project of the foundation shows that this is not an isolated case. A settlement with 86 apartments on the Kornhaus- / Rötelstrasse in District 6 is to be completely renewed from the spring of 2020. Here too, the challenges are ongoing, as the newspaper writes.


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