20 minutes – Taxi driver (30) stole customers' credit cards


This taxi ride ended up being expensive for some customers. A 30-year-old taxi driver stole his customers' credit cards and used them for private purposes for about 16 months. He was taking money or shopping online. In 16 months he has captured more than 100,000 francs. Now, the man had to answer in the Zurich District Court.

"I can not explain it anymore"

The Swiss born in Switzerland acted very treacherously. He asked his customers to pay with a Bancomat or Postomat credit or debit card, as written by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. For this, he took the card, introduced it into the mobile card reader and let the guest enter the associated PIN. While the victims were typing the respective number combination, the 30-year-old woman tried to remember it. He then pulled out the card and exchanged it for a card of similar appearance. He had already collected each from another guest. As the cards were similar, the victims often noticed the fraud later.

The debt-free family man managed to do this between June 2015 and October 2016, with a total of 345 withdrawals and cash purchases. In addition to his monthly salary of 5,000 francs, he added an additional 100,983 francs. The accused was confessed in court. He tried to explain his actions with the death of his mother. This loss caused him a heavy burden, which is why he was also with the psychiatrist. Moreover, his actions are no longer comprehensible to him, as he declared in court: "I can not explain anymore."

"The action was brazen and refined"

The court saw things differently. His approach was not only cheeky but also refined. He sentenced the 30-year-old man for fraudulent professional abuse of a data-processing system, unlawful appropriation, misappropriation and falsification of documents to a 22-month suspended sentence of imprisonment with a two-year trial period. In addition, he has to pay 40,000 francs as an alternative debt to the state. Civil actions in the amount of 91,600 Swiss francs are also incurred.


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