20 minutes – Teachers do not trust immigrant children


Teachers should not be prejudiced with their students, sex or the origin of a child or a teenager should not play a role in the classroom – according to the theory [19659002] Survey

Do Teachers Allow Less Immigrant Children? having to delete WhatsApp class cats

In practice this seems a little different, as shown by a study from the College of Education of the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland . Their findings suggest that teachers discriminate against immigrant children because they have too low expectations for their performance.

Students fall into a vicious circle

"Unfortunately, the promotion and assessment of children are not as neutral as they should be," says Professor Neuenwart in the "NZZ am Sonntag".

Especially in mathematics, expectations are massively lower according to the study. And that, although there is objectively no difference in performance between indigenous children and migrant children. The inevitability is that it leads to lower performance among students. These then entered a vicious circle – the prejudices would be confirmed.

"Anyone who expects little of a child encourages and demands less," says Professor Markus Neuenschwander. The differences in performance between migrants and non-migrants would therefore increase during schooling

The association protects teachers

The study confirms the results of similar surveys conducted at the school. Foreign and the experience of many experts in Switzerland, including that of educator Katharina Maag, "Teachers need to improve," says Maag. "It requires information, but also a constant questioning of one's own attitude."

Beat Zemp, president of the Swiss Association of Teachers, protects his colleagues: "Expectations are always shaped by stereotypes over time can condense," he says in the newspaper. applies to teachers as well as to others, such as journalists or politicians. "Teachers are not immune from transferring negative expectations to students," says Zemp.


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