40 percent of newly admitted community service graduates from RS. However, they preferred to help in hospitals, at school or on the pasture. But as the army needs more soldiers, the Federal Council wants to complicate the "frivolity" of the public service by tightening the law.
Among other things, at least 150 days of civilian service must be provided, regardless of the days of military service. A waiting period of 12 months is also planned. Candidates must continue to serve during this period.
Zivis Threatened by Referendum
The Swiss Civic Association is now mobilizing against the aggravation – and strongly accuses the Federal Council: "Making the civil service less attractive will not increase the attractiveness of the military "It is a doomed strategy," he said in a statement.At the same time, the Zivis threaten the referendum.
Already today. officials were discriminated against because of the 1.5-fold longer service obligation against military service.The Federal Council's proposals questioned the right to alternative civilian service, said the Greens National Councilor and Civiva Co-Chair Lisa Mazzone: The Bundesrat focuses entirely on the perspective of the military without regard to the contribution of civil service providers to society.
We have an influenza this direct on society, "says the" schleicher "and former militia officer Andreas Mörker. The daily routine of an official is at least as exhausting as that of a soldier: "Carrying a bag of walking and working in the forest differ from each other, but are equally exhausting."
Giardino Group calls for reintroduction of conscientious examination [19659002] Zivis threats Willi Vollenweider of the Giardino militia group finds it absurd: "The Federal Council must do something because Switzerland lacks soldiers. The militia army is part of Switzerland, which is why countermeasures are mandatory. "For Vollenweider, the tightening goes too far:" It is true that the RS is not attractive enough today. But it does not have to be that military service like today is practically voluntary. "
A hug-RS, in which the steps are voluntary, goes exactly in the wrong direction." Young men do not want to stay like wimps. "The army needed to explain better why military service was necessary.In addition, they demand the reintroduction of the examination of conscience for the civil service.
Public Public Service
The Public Service has grown in popularity with the Abolition of the solicitude test in 2009. Until then, a candidate had to justify before a commission, why he can not reconcile the military service with the conscience and why would like to perform the community service.
S & # 39; there were exactly 1632 registrations in 2008, they reached 6720 in 2009. A first hardening of the admission conditions, although depressing briefly the interest.In 2011, there were 4670. In the course of recent years, however, registrations continued to increase slightly. In 2017 there were 6785.
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