20 minutes – The local Ebiker board is fighting to counter


In the 1960s and 1970s, naphthalene was a building material used for soils. Today, the substance is considered toxic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a naphthalene value of more than ten micrograms per cubic meter must be interfered with. From 30 micrograms per cubic meter, it becomes dangerous. The amount of poison measured at Höfli School in Ebikon is 21 times higher than the limit allowed by the WHO, as reported by Blick.

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Nevertheless, children are still taught in contaminated classrooms until the fall, as reported in 20 minutes in June. Concerned parents are unhappy with the situation: "My child has a headache and burns his eyes every day because of the poison. And this should continue until the fall? It can not be! A mother said about the look.

Parents' concerns are not taken seriously

She and other parents no longer want to send their children to this school. Parents also think that Ebikon is a secret to the report on poisons. If parents want to see them, they will have to file an application and pledge to keep quiet. The city council literally minimizes the situation: the value of the poison is well below the working limit in Switzerland. However, this value does not apply to children.

In the meantime, ventilation systems had been installed. Even the concerns of parents are not taken seriously. "It's still the same, two parents who do not worry about anything, just typical helicopter parents," said a spokesman at "Blick".

City Council contradicts the accounts

Following the publication, Daniel Gasser, Mayor of Ebikon, strongly criticized the article: "The story was built and we we reserve the right to take legal action ". the health and safety of children and teachers would come first. In addition, there was no mockery of parents and the term "helicopter parents" had never fallen. CEO Alex Mathis rejected allegations that the communication was not good: "We communicated in a transparent and open manner." After discussion with teachers, parents were informed in writing and invited to a party d & # 39; information. As explained further, two children were suspended from the lesson last week before the summer holidays. The reasons for this would not be apparent. However, their parents attributed this to the situation in the school.

The municipal council continues to refer to the measures already taken, which were taken in cooperation with the Federal Office of Public Health and the Canton of Lucerne. However, as the situation has not improved, other measures were taken in early 2018. The results of these measurements are now the basis for further improvements with mechanical ventilation systems. at the latest after the summer holidays and the temporary classroom on the site. An on-site inspection confirmed the need for improvement: in an affected classroom, she strongly smelled of mothballs of the last century. Because otherwise the high investment in the old school would be pending, the local council decided to build a new building. From here mid-2020, a wooden construction will be created at this location.


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