20 minutes – Valais operations become "tubelisicher"


In Valais, the company has made a precise formulation since the very beginning: During the operation, doctors and nurses are presented at each stage of the ongoing operations on the monitor. Oberwalliser Orthopädie is a pioneer with the introduction of the necessary computer system SPI.


Did you have to have surgery?

Their help program is used for implanting knee prostheses, for example: "With this computer, we have standardized various operations," says Dr. med. Andreas Ottersbach, Chief Medical Officer and Head of the Orthopedic Clinic at Brig Hospital, in front of Radio Rottu Oberwallis (RRO).

This standardization has several advantages. For example, nothing important is forgotten: "Each step must be confirmed by a pedal or a voice command.This ensures that each patient is treated with the current optimized surgical concept," says Ottersbach, MD Each action of the surgical team is also recorded: The new computer technology automatically creates a digital surgical record.

The program sends push messages

At the end of the 39, operation, external colleagues are informed by themselves: "At step 58, an automatic push message is sent to the mobile phone the next patient asked," explains a hospital document.

Also the patient can use the system: Via the application, he is asked about the quality of his treatment.


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