20 minutes – "We were watching TV when it was noisy"


In the quiet area of ​​Emmersberg in Schaffhausen, an acid attack occurred Saturday night. The forecourt of the chic chalet still testified a few hours later. Shards trailed, stains on the stone floor were still visible and a disgusting smell forced residents to take a long detour around the house.

Police Alert by the Stench

Now, the resident tells how she experienced the incident, "My husband and I were watching television when it crackled loudly between 10pm and 11pm," she said. declared to "Schaffhauser Nachrichten". At first, she had assumed that the door had been closed.

That's only when her husband and she opened the front door that they noticed the broken beer bottles and a pungent odor. Because of the stench, the couple finally alerted the police. "The disengaged forces neutralized the acid with a caustic solution and took good care of us," the woman praised.

"We are not afraid"

To distance themselves, the family did not spend the night in the house. However, the couple has already returned Sunday with the three children. "We are not afraid," the woman said firmly. "We are not afraid of other consequences."

On the possible context of the act still does not want to speak: "We have answered questions from the police, there are investigations." Even her husband does not want to comment on the possible motive: "I do not want to get stuck in the skin of the offender, the police will drop him," he told Blick on Monday.

The Sacrifice is a Gold Trader

He reported that the victim of the attack with acid was a German account. The man, with his wife and three children, has been living in Switzerland for only one year and trades precious metals according to the commercial register.

He also wants to exploit a special economic model: he buys old fillings from dentists and calls them "special service". Dentists. If the aggressor comes from the business environment, the man did not mean

"This is not a naughty joke"

The police Schaffhausen assumes a targeted attack. "It's not a joke.It's not so easy to get rid of acid," says Matthias Bänziger, policeman, at the request of 20 minutes.

"The Authors unknowns knew how to handle acid. "Who is behind the attack and what substance It is said that it is the subject of an ongoing investigation, said Bänziger. [19659014] (Mon.)

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