After the SRG announced Thursday its withdrawal from Admeira and some details of the reform program (and others have come out unofficially), Gilles Marchand interviewed two major newspapers this weekend: "The Time "and" NZZ "He stated in particular that the SRG was preparing to install a digital platform for all of Switzerland. "Users will be able to collect their pay-per-view programs," said the general manager of the SRG in front of "NZZ am Sonntag". Those who advertise their interest in a specific topic will receive program suggestions from German-speaking Switzerland, French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino. Contributors from other parts of the country will be able to consume users with subtitles.
The establishment of the so-called non-linear television platform is part of the digitization strategy that moves Gilles Marchand forward. "This will be a big step for the SRG," says Marchand in the interview with NZZaS
Focus on Information
Another goal of the head of the SRG is to 39, increase the efficiency of public broadcasting. Marchand reiterates once again that he wants to relocate the Bern radio studio in Zurich
But the decision, contrary to what had been expected at the end of June, happens only at the end of June. ;in autumn. Until then, the examination process continues, so Marchand. He told the NZZaS: "It is strange that sometimes the same people who claim more effectiveness of the SRG are outraged as soon as we consider the appropriate measures."
Marchand also wants the GIS programs to be more heavily influenced by differentiating the content of private providers. The focus is therefore on information, sports and culture, while the entertainment space needs to save money. (pd / eh)
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