Despite secure parking spaces in railway stations: every day, 100 bicycles are stolen all over Switzerland – Switzerland


Velodiebstähle are on the agenda in Switzerland. Around 40,000 cases are reported each year, representing more than 100 flights a day throughout Switzerland. In urban areas, almost twice as much is stolen as in the countryside. Especially popular are the bikes, which were parked near the train station.

According to a 2015 Basel Insurance Study, many bicycles are stolen near the station. It could therefore be assumed that safe parking spaces in railway stations would be the best way to permanently reduce the number of bicycle thefts. According to, there are 47 in Switzerland, most of them near the station.

A comparison of Velodiebstähle frequency figures (Velodiebstähle for 1000 inhabitants) of Velodiebstählen crime statistics with the introduction of these shows Velostationen: seldom they lead to fewer cases, only the cities of Bern, Thun and St. Gallen show positive results.

In the cities of Winterthur, Lausanne and Zurich, the frequency of velodiebolts has hardly changed. This despite the fact that in Zurich, for example, several bicycle stations have even been installed in train stations in recent years. In Basel and Lucerne, the number of cases even increased for a short time.

Why are there no clear positive effects? "Many bicycles continue to be stolen from private property or public places other than railway stations," says Daniel Bachofner, director of road safety at Pro Velo Switzerland, about Watson

. Place in front of the station. Increased security is just a byproduct. "Stealing something in a bike station is bigger than a poorly lit place," continued Bachofner.

More quantity, less quality

But why are flights to Basel higher than in other Swiss cities? It could also be related to organized flights. "Because of its proximity to the border, the city of Basel is an ideal destination for an organized flight of several bicycles," says Bachofner.

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