In transition – "Maitlisek" opens for high school students – News


In transition – "Maitlisek" opens to high school students – News – SRF

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In the canton of St. Gallen, there are three secondary schools for Catholic girls: St. Gallen, Gossau and Wil. They are all in transition. They open – for reasons of cost and under the pressure of politics – also for high school students. The schools of St. Gallen and Gossau will begin in the summer of 2019.

These days, the Gossau Town Hall has approved the performance agreement and therefore the new concept and the new cost allocator . The partners involved are the girls' high school itself, the city of Gossau and the school community of Andwil-Arnegg.

Better Mixing

Urban high school classes are real male domains. There are only four girls out of ten boys. The "Maitlisek" Gossau brakes girls in urban high schools. The opening for high school students should now be corrected.

The "Maitlisek" welcomes new high school students, but more girls. This may have a political impact on gender segregation in urban secondary schools.

The Catholic Girlsek "St. Katharina" in Wil, you are not quite as far as Gossau and St. Gallen.The dismissal of the school contract was signed at Wiler Stadtparlaent. reason for a pending complaint, but can not be decided and the company is postponed.So, the "Kathi question" remains open to Wil

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