Rather rental housing, but too expensive


The apartments for rent are less frequented in Switzerland than they are already. The situation has eased with the decline of immigration. In the lower price segment, however, there is still a lack of housing. In addition, there are large regional differences.

  In many areas of Switzerland, there are enough rental apartments, but there is a lack of cheap apartments. For homeownership, the demand is also higher than the supply. The picture shows the development of Kronenwiese urban housing in Zurich. (Photo: KEYSTONE / CHRISTIAN BEUTLER)

In many parts of Switzerland there are enough rental apartments, but there is a lack of cheap apartments. For homeownership, the demand is also higher than the supply. The picture shows the development of Kronenwiese urban housing in Zurich. (Photo: KEYSTONE / CHRISTIAN BEUTLER)


The housing market is in equilibrium in all regions and with regard to property and rent, writes the Federal Housing Office in a statement released Friday. Switzerland had enough housing in 2017.

The most important development of last year: the number of households increased by only 0.7%. Growth was halved compared to the previous year. The reason is the decline of immigration: the number of Swiss households increased by 0.6% compared to the previous year, that of foreign households by 1.1% against 2.5% l & # 39; Previous year.

leads to more flexible rental markets, as the BWO writes. Overall, there was a slight oversupply in the rental housing market

In the homeownership market, mainly related to Swiss demand, demand was higher than In all price segments. According to BWO, a role also plays a role in the fact that housing construction has evolved strongly towards rental apartments in recent years.

Too many expensive apartments

The upper-floor rental apartments experienced a significant oversupply in 2017. The situation also eased in the middle and lower price segments. Demand in the lower segment, however, remains higher than supply.

Regional, Ticino, eastern Switzerland and northwestern Switzerland are very well supplied with rental housing and condominiums. The market situation in Zurich and the Zurich region continues to be tense, as well as in Espace Mittelland

Zurich in equilibrium

For the first time since 2005, the rental market of the Greater Zurich area was in 2017. According to the study, the supply of rental housing was sufficient not only in the upper segment, but also in the middle price segment. The supply of residential property has become rare. The rental housing market in the Espace Mittelland is relaxed – even in the lowest rental segment of the Bern region. However, condominiums are rare

In northwestern Switzerland, with the exception of the lowest segment, there is a large excess supply on the rental housing market and a high excess demand on the market of home ownership. In Eastern Switzerland, the situation is similar. However, the property rate has risen over the last year, while it has declined in many other areas.

Great offer in Ticino

The canton of Ticino is the best equipped in housing. The supply continues to grow faster than the demand. In the Lake Geneva Region, the housing market remained in equilibrium in 2017. According to the report, this situation was "bought" by the highest price increases in Switzerland in recent years.

The BWO expects the situation not to change in 2018. Although construction activity in the current year is down slightly, he writes. Investment in rental housing construction remained strong. With a good economy and still low interest rates, the pressure on homeownership will not go away. The imbalance between rental housing and homeownership will be exacerbated.

The development has been analyzed since 2009. The Meta-Sys AG / ZHAW working group measures, on behalf of BWO, the effects of free movement of people on the Swiss housing market and analyzes the rental market and from homeownership.

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