Drug market in full swing – Instead of going to the movies a line of cocaine – News


Key facts in brief

  • Just over two percent of adults in Switzerland use cocaine. This is the result of a new study by Sucht Schweiz
  • It is not difficult to obtain cocaine in Switzerland, says expert Frank Zobel.
  • Five tons of cocaine are exchanged each year in Switzerland.

Swiss interdisciplinary researchers in a vast project, the market for stimulants under the microscope. They used new research approaches, such as the analysis of wastewater and drug residues, to draw a clear picture of the drug market.

Health risks in Switzerland

A little over two percent of Swiss women adults Schweizer therefore consumes cocaine. According to Frank Zobel, Deputy Director of the Swiss Foundation for Addiction, the drug can be bought almost everywhere; in the club, on the internet, in the circle of friends or in the street. "Accessibility is high.This is also because there is the street market where it is relatively easy to buy cocaine."

  Somewhat? a sniff of cocaine on a glass table
The price of the drug does not play a major role in Switzerland.


Because the supply is so great, consumers do not even have to go to the bottom of their wallets for drugs. "Drugs are cheap in Switzerland," says Zobel. About 15 francs cost a dose, as much as an admission to the cinema. "The price in Switzerland is not a big obstacle to drug use."

Instead of cocaine of other harmful substances

Addiction Switzerland has worked with hospitals, universities and the police. The interdisciplinary study shows that cocaine users bear significant health risks because cocaine is stretched with pharmacologically active agents. These can be toxic. "If you consume a lot, it can be dangerous."

Key Figures on Drug Use in Switzerland

Key Figures on Drug Use in Switzerland

Cocaine Ecstasy Amphetamine
Price (1 gram of powder sold as a whole) 100 francs 100 francs 30 francs
Amount consumed per year 377 – 461 kilograms 58 – 79 kilograms 19 – 79 kg
Confiscated quantity (2016) 39 kg 3 kg 1 kg
Sales 47 – 57.4 million francs 3.7 -5.1 million francs 0.4-3.0 million francs
profit 28-39 million francs 2.4-4, 0 million francs [19659018] no information

Some of the samples examined did not contain cocaine, but many other substances with intoxication effect. These substances have different effects. "They can do anything from skin diseases to heart disease, it also depends on how the medicine is used," says Zobel

Wide range of customers

Despite these risks, all Swiss people are turning White cocaine users are not, according to Zobel: "Clients range from addicts who use and inject heroin to extremely well-integrated and high-employment people who use cocaine. in their daily lives. "Zobel gives the example of construction workers who occasionally consume cocaine when they want to go out at night.If they are already a little tired, they still give an impetus to the result

The ecstasy is still very much related to the nightlife and festivals

Other results of ecstasy

The picture is quite different with other stimulants. , about ecstasy. This medicine is not for everyone, says Zobel. It is mostly young people who take ecstasy especially on weekends. In wastewater studies, we can see that consumption increases on Thursday nights and decreases on Mondays. "Ecstasy is still very much related to nightlife and festivals," says Zobel

. The problem with ecstasy is that the pills are sometimes too pure. "There are some very high dose pills that are in circulation, and consumers should be very careful not to take too high doses.The best thing to do if you really want to take Ecstasy is to take D & D. First of all the pill, then notice how strong the effect is. "

Another drug, another market. The interdisciplinary research team aims to examine one drug market after the other. Next is a study on cannabis.

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