End of the print edition – Thirty latest editorials of the "Morning" – News


Saturday, the latest print edition of the Franco-Western daily is published. A difficult moment for the publisher.

On Saturday, the latest edition of the French daily "Le Matin" appears on paper. In the future, the newspaper will only be published on the Internet. It's a hard and sad moment, but the reaction will do its job until the end, says Grégoire Nappey, outgoing editor:

"Grief can be different. If someone dies because he was expected because he was old, it is often easier to bear. But if a dramatic element comes to it, it's more difficult. The latter applies to us.

Last printed journal

The last print edition should be something special. According to Nappey it becomes a newspaper of the readership, which is moved to the center with photos. The focus is also on the work, each journalist can say goodbye to a sheet of paper with a self-selected text.

"Le Matin" is the most read newspaper in Romandie. In the 1970s, the newspaper is based on investigative journalism. At that time, it still bore the name of "Tribune the Morning". The themes of the boulevard did not appear until the 1980s.

Tamedia ended the mediation

The publishing house Tamedia, based in Zurich, announced Thursday the end of the mediation of the cantonal government Vaud in conflict with its employees. Instead, the group wanted to focus on other actions with the cantonal arbitration body for collective labor disputes. It is mainly the social plan

However, the journalists and the unions deny that the social partners have left the mediation by mutual agreement, as declared the house of Tamedia edition. Tamedia's withdrawal from the mediation was unilateral and without notice.

Even the president of the Vaud government, Nuria Gorrite, is disappointed. It takes two partners to negotiate at the table, she said after the brutal demolition of Tamedia. Just a few days ago, an agreement was reached to clarify the alternatives.

Tamedia justified the stop of the print edition of "The Morning" by the losses suffered for 20 years. Last year, the deficit of "Morning" was about 6.3 million Swiss francs, over the last ten years, of 34 million Swiss francs.

An institution disappears

For Peter Rothenbühler, the "Morning" several years For a long time, as editor, the print edition disappeared in an institution in Germany. For "The Morning" was in his assessment more than the "look" in German Switzerland.

"It was read everywhere and in all areas of life.And it was the most independent newspaper that could afford some impudence.Also in government, to important people and readers appreciated" , explains Rothenbühler

Small drafting for digital publishing

In the future, the digital edition of a 15-headed editorial team will be written. With the hiring of "The Morning" on paper, 41 employees are at risk of losing their jobs.

The former editor Rothenbühler predicts an installment death despite the digital edition of "The Morning": "The idea that the 'Morning' life online has not no future, because the publishers who are put at his disposal, is much too small. "

In addition, there is already the big online editorial of" 20 minutes. "And 20 minutes of work in line very well. "It would be a stupid competition, if you lived on online."

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