Heimisbach: At the Gfellers School – Region: Emmental


This year the community of Trachselwald has something to celebrate: 150 years ago, the Emmental teacher and dialect writer Simon Gfeller was born, and Dürrgraben was renamed Heimisbach in his honor 50 years ago

. Anniversaries also a correspondence, the tourist experience should not be missed. Emmental Tours AG has created one and tested it on Tuesday night. This is what is called "fun school lesson". A "real" professor of Emmental, as it is called on the site, invites to a lesson as in 1900.

At least the room exudes that beautiful yet at once oppressive charm school hall of the early twentieth century. The offices are tiny. It smells of wood, dust and slightly acidic after old books. It's the old school of Simon Gfeller. So not where he was working as a teacher, but it's where he went to school himself: in Thal. In the Simon Gfeller Memorial Hall.

"Waschechter" Emmentaler

The door opens. A voice sounds in the room. The website has not logged in. The teacher is actually washed. His name is Peter Jutzi, born in 1946 and has taught in Wasen for 43 years. Today, he is retired, but sometimes plays the role of storyteller for Emmental Tours AG and now as timpanist for the "fun school lesson".

The storyteller can be heard immediately. The wide Emmentaler Berndeutsch is ready for the stage and integrates as well into this room as the grinding of the parquet floor. Peter Jutzi leaves the room again. We must finally get up when the teacher enters the room.

Once again the thundering voice. The class now right gives an echo to the home. A small gymnastics is followed by a song. "Wake up, wake up." A classic, apparently. Not for this class only. The teacher also said that it was not so strong now.

Then, with a firm step and hands behind his back, he heads for the schedule hanging on the wall. Of course: arithmetic is necessary

Anxiety and Terror

With the series of numbers, the students who were called are still able to hear well. The following chain calculations, but put one or the other in fear and terror. A total failure spreads in the written division. Fortunately, Peter Jutzi made without sticks as they could be commonplace in 1900.

Only one or the other wheel that he distributes during the course of the exercise. Next write with a fountain pen: Please take some trouble and do not write these hooks, A smile that exposes gravity as it is played bursts briefly. And yet this school lesson has something terrifying too.

The sight of the checkbook with a black blanket leads to goose bumps. During the dictation, the hands are soaked with sweat as before. Visual contact with the teacher is avoided as much as possible, one does not want to be called.

According to arithmetic and German, there is something informative and anecdotal about Simon Gfeller in the history lesson. The geography focuses on the rivers of Emmental and the dangers that they represent. Finally, there is another song. A variation of "Brother Jacques" is now closer to the class. Then the lesson is over.

A playful note

The "fun lesson" gives a playful touch to the rather dry visit to the Simon Gfeller Memorial Hall. Almost scary is the speed with which you fall back into the old role models of everyday school life.

This experiment is entirely in the direction of Monika Meyer. Class meetings are among others the target group of the offer, says the co-director of Emmental Tours AG. (Berner Zeitung)

created: 23.07.2018, 06:11

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