Video of shocks from critically injured cattle Switzerland


The view is hard to bear. A cattle moves with small trembling steps in the forest. He is badly injured, he apparently survived the attack of a wolf, a dog or a bear: whole pieces of meat were ripped off him. Flies buzz around open wounds.

This is a video that is currently being transmitted around WhatsApp. The critically injured cattle belong to a farmer named Bernhard. Wild animals that have perpetrated such attacks should be "shot down," according to a video transmitted in 19659003. Nobody knows this incident

Where does the recording come from? When and where did the attack take place? Information circulating on WhatsApp and social media should be treated with caution. The attack was in Schangnau BE arrived, it is said. At BLICK's request, however, no one can confirm it. Neither the responsible gamekeeper nor the cantonal inspection of the hunt are aware of such an incident.

Even in the neighboring Entlebuch of the Canton of Lucerne, nothing is known about such an attack. In the Murg Valley, gamekeeper Albert Good is aware of the video, but has no idea of ​​a corresponding incident. In the neighboring region of Canton Glarus, only rumors circulate. But no one saw a dead ox here

No message from a gamekeeper

If a predator attack on a cattle occurs in Switzerland, the coordinator of large carnivores (Kora) is usually informed in addition to the gamekeeper, but even here there is no specific information about the video. "We also saw the video," says Andreas Ryser, biologist at Kora. "With us, however, nobody knows where he comes from."

The reporting enthusiasm is really great in such events. "Farmers usually go to the ranger as soon as possible." As for the type of injuries seen on the video, Ryser says that they may have been caused by a dog or a wolf. (noo)

Posted on 26.07.2018 | Updated at 18:34

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