Nine in ten swimming accidents can be avoided: the most important swimming rules at a glance


Three serious bathing accidents occurred in two days in the canton of Zurich. Does the great heat increase the number of bathing accidents? Not if you follow the main rules for swimming.

Walter Bernet

  The refreshing jump in cold water makes impression, but can have serious consequences if the depth of the water does not. is not enough. (Photo: Christian Beutler / NZZ)

The refreshing jump in cold water makes an impression, but can have serious consequences if the depth of the water is insufficient. (Photo: Christian Beutler / NZZ)

Three big bathing accidents in two days in the canton of Zurich: A 15-year-old dies on the Tössegg, 86 years old in Lake Zurich, a 79-year-old man still missing and Limmat rescued an unconscious bridge rider. Accidents are typical insofar as they occur outside of bathing establishments, where monitoring is lacking and bathers' responsibility is central. 41 people drowned in Swiss waters in 2017, including 31 men. Only one case of a bath and a domestic hot tub are among them. 21 cases were recorded in a lake or pond, 18 in rivers.

There is a cure that could prevent 80 to 90% of accidents, as Philipp Binaghi, spokesperson of the Swiss Life Saving Company (SLRG), says: [la conformité] of the six bathing rules advocated for years. Surveys have shown that, unfortunately, they are still not well known. The six rules are the essence summarized from the observation of a long-term accident, says Binaghi.

Danger of collapse

Given current temperatures, rule number 3 is central: Never overheat jumping into the water. Binaghi is indifferent when he describes the consequences. Especially in the prevailing heat trigger a spontaneous jump into the cold water of a medical chain reaction. "Suddenly, the body is in a different film, the blood vessels contract, the blood stops circulating and there is circulatory collapse," says Binaghi. "It is bad in the water: we drown". It is hardly known that this reaction occurs faster in younger than in older, the cycle reacts a little slower.

for swimming

zz. The Swiss Life Rescue Society recommends the following rules for water safety: Never overheat in water as the body needs time to adapt. Do not let young children play unattended at the water because they are safe. The air mattresses and swimming aids do not belong to the deep waters because they provide no security. Never swim with a full or empty stomach; wait two hours for a sumptuous meal. No alcohol. Never jump into troubled or unknown waters; Under the surface, the dangers can hide. Never swim long distances alone because even the best trained body can suffer from weakness.

The cool blonde has lost nothing by bathing. Binaghi vehemently opposes zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs associated with water. In addition to a faster cooling and an increased risk of seizures, alcohol consumption leads to overestimation and underestimation of risks. Men aged 15 to 30 are particularly vulnerable in this regard. It's not for nothing that they make up most drowned people. The dizzying senses diminish the realistic assessment of the danger of jumping bridges in the rivers. "Do not jump in troubled or unknown waters", is also rule number 4. Binaghi recommends jumping only where it is expressly provided and the exit is secure.

It is also strict on inflatable flamingos and unicorns that currently occur in large numbers: "Such toys do not belong to deep or common water." The minimum requirements include several chambers to air and unbreakable oars. Consumer protection portals continue to help. Among the underestimated dangers in rivers are the water rollers in Zurich, the Höngger Weir. In addition to the "washing machine effect" in particular, the strong oxygenation of water is a problem; This no longer transports swimmers as usual. Binaghis Conclusion: The one who first takes his ferry on the river or takes his bath in the cooling water and devotes himself to culinary and alcohol only after in the garden picket or grill , is on the side of security

Failure to respect bathing rules can also have significant financial consequences, a verdict of the Federal Court of 2012. A young man fell four meters high in the only deep Rhine of 80 centimeters after consuming alcohol and drugs in the canton of Zurich. injured, the insurance benefits were sharply reduced. The Federal Supreme Court upheld this reduction by making explicit reference to the bathing regulations of the SLRG. It would have been essential to ensure the depth of the river beforehand. The court did not accept the objection that it was a usual bathing place for the village youth. Jumping jumps into unknown water is a basic principle. It is generally known that the water level of a river can vary, which excludes constant water depths.

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