A man beaten to death in downtown Basel – News Panorama: Various


A 41-year-old man died on Saturday night as a result of an attack. He had been attacked by several men in the city center. The backgrounds are not clear. Police arrested three Portuguese suspects at the age of 18, 24 and 36 years old.

"The question of whether the crime is of cultural origin is currently under discussion.At first, we will now accept the arrested persons," said René Gsell of the Basel prosecutor at 20 minutes.

The man was put against 0:45 at a group in the staircase on the Rheinberg at the height of the Small Museum Klingental, said the prosecutor on Saturday morning with. He was suddenly attacked. Several strangers had taken the victim. After that, they fled.

Many people traveling to Basel Tattoo

Witnesses alerted the police. Because: The Rheinpolizei, which is right next to the crime scene, was not busy at that time. Even on the ground floor of Rhy, nearby, nothing has been noticed.

An employee, who was returning home shortly before the attack, said, "I only discovered this morning. The tattoo ended around midnight, but many people had been on the Rheinbord. The injured man was rushed to the hospital by paramedics. He died later in the night.

Special Commission detects

Police arrested three men. They were suspected of being involved in the conflict, according to a statement

According to the authorities, the precise evolution of the crime and the reason for the dispute are unclear. The police set up a special commission. Prosecution seeks other witnesses

Witness call: Persons who can provide relevant information should contact the Kriminalpolizei of the Basel-Stadt Prosecutor's Office, tel. 061 267 71 11, or the nearest police station

Adopted by 20 minutes, edited by Tagesanzeiger.ch/Newsnet.

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