Acid stop on the house in the residential district of Schaffhauser


Unknown people threw glass bottles with acid on the forecourt of a house in Schaffhausen and thus caused unpleasant odors. About 30 people were in action after the attack. There is no danger for humans.

  Who and behind the attack is determined by the Schaffhausen police. (Image: Keystone)

Who and behind the attack is determined by the Schaffhausen police. (Bild: Keystone)

(nda) Residents reported Saturday night to the Schaffhausen police that bottles of smelly liquid had exploded in the Emmersberg district, according to a statement released Sunday. The specialists of the fire brigade and the laboratory Interkantonale discovered after investigation that it was acid

During the employment of the fire brigade, the Säntisstrasse, where is finds the house affected, has been temporarily blocked. remain. But there is no danger now, the police wrote early Sunday morning. It is always necessary to count only with olfactory nuisances.

According to the Schaffhausen police, who and who is behind the attack was, originally, unknown; she's looking for witnesses. The exact composition of the acid used has yet to be clarified. After the attack, some 30 people were deployed by the police, the fire brigade, the laboratory and the medical staff.

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