A man stands in the old town of Winterthur, gives a "free book" to Islam and wears a large banner on his back. The message: "Islam, simply and briefly explained – modern science, beliefs, the woman in Islam, Jesus in Islam".
The SRF Regional Review reports on a new distribution campaign. This is strongly reminiscent of the controversial distribution of the Koran "Lies!", Which took place a few months ago in different cities of Europe and Switzerland, including Bern, Zurich and Winterthur.
Reminiscent of the ancient Koranic distributors: New action in the old town of Winterthur. Image: SRF.ch
RelInfo's religious expert Georg Otto Schmid recognizes in the new action striking similarities with "Lies!". The approach – the construction that they convey and the mobile distribution – is actually reminiscent of the fundamentalist organization of Lies, he says at the regional review. And it is a typical Salafism commercial message that Islam can explain "simply and briefly".
Association prohibited in Germany
The distribution campaign "Lies!" Made a sensation two years ago worried after several of their supporters traveled to Syria to fight in the war. Germany has banned the club behind the action in November 2016. The reason: The network is engaged in an extremist understanding of Sharia law. This is in contradiction with the Basic Law. The club accepted the ban.
A distribution ban was also heavily discussed in Switzerland last year. The Director of Security Zurich Mario Fehr recommended to the municipalities of Zurich to ban settlement actions and to prohibit unauthorized actions. He relied on a legal opinion. This concerned the distribution of the Qur'an for public reasons.
Wolff Whistle for Recommendation
While the City of Winterthur welcomed the recommendation of Mario Fehr, they ignored the Zurich Police Chief of the day, Richard Wolff (AL) . He left the actions "Read!" Carry on. He said that there was no evidence or court judgments against "lies!", Only suppositions. Statements that quickly earned him bitter criticism from various sides
The newly-emerged distributors are currently unknown to the Winterthur authorities. The city police told the "regional newspaper", we did not know who was behind this action. "As long as these people do not settle in, they do not need a permit," says the police spokesman. The Winterthur office for extremism and violence prevention is also unconscious. A spokeswoman says her job is prevention and not observing people in public spaces. For this, the police were responsible. (Tagesanzeiger.ch/Newsnet)
Date created: 17.07.2018, 10:47
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