After Velounfall in Unterägeri rescue helicopter is used


In a car accident, an e-biker suffered fatal injuries. The woman was transported to the hospital with a rescue helicopter

  The Rega rescue helicopter landing at Unterägeri. (Image: PD / Zug Police (July 27, 2018))

The Rega Rescue Helicopter lands at Unterägeri. (Photo: PD / Zug police (July 27, 2018))

The accident occurred on Friday morning (July 27, 2018), just before 8:30, on the municipality's mountain trail. 39; Unterägeri. As the Zug police informs, a 71-year-old two-wheeler drove with a climbing attendant to the Adelheid clinic. For unknown reasons, she descended to the right of the road and crashed on a steep embankment. She suffered fatal injuries.

The first police forces in Zug immediately started resurrecting the woman. Finally, in cooperation with the Zug rescue service, the 71-year-old man has been stabilized and prepared for transport. She was then taken to a non-cantonal hospital with a Rega rescue helicopter.

  (Image: PD / Zug Police (July 27, 2018)))

(Image: PD / Zug Police (July 27, 2018)))

The exact course of the accident is going now to be the subject of an investigation. In addition to the rescue train, the Rega and the Zug police were responsible for the rescue of the patients and the Stützpunktfeuerwehr (FFZ) train and the Ortsfeuerwehr Unterägeri. (red)

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