Andreas Glarner wants to donate 2000 Cervelats


The national counselor SVP Andreas Glarner (55 years old) is feeling again. Since he's posted on Facebook on Wednesday, the Cervelat is calling for help from a mother he's stormed from all sides. According to Glarner, the mother had complained "of a torn voice" that her children did not have the right to bring savels to a club event.

Glarner can not prove the case

The reason: the Swiss national sausage should not be even barbecue than the food of Muslim children. Where does the woman come from and what exactly was the occasion, Glarner does not mean. Therefore, this story can not be verified. This is why he was also accused of being instigated by Muslims.

But: Glarner has since been stormed from all sides. "More and more people come forward who have had very similar experiences." For Glarner, a sign that Muslims impose their customs on locals: "Handshake, swimming lessons and now the Cervelates! It can not be that we let our lives dictate our lives.

He now gives sausages

Yesterday, Glarner was still talking to the Tele M1 television channel about becoming active at the national level. But he does not want to launch an initiative – that he could easily do as a parliamentarian. But Glarner has another idea: "I give 2000 Cervelates!", He announces. How exactly, he does not know yet, he must first talk to the butcher. But he wants schools, youth organizations and holiday clubs to compete for national sausage. "Top on the Cervelat!"

What does he promise? "I do not want to force Muslim children to eat pork," says Glarner. "But it can not be that we deprive our children of Cervelat!"

Posted on 05.07.2018 | Updated at 22:49

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