Basel: Man († 41) beaten to death


Last night in Basel, a 41-year-old man died after an attack. The Portuguese sat at 0.45 am on the Rheinberg at the Kleines Klingental Museum to a group. Then he was suddenly attacked by several unknowns, as revealed by the first investigations of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Basle Prosecutor's Office.

Aliens attacked him together and fled in an unknown direction. The victim was taken by paramedics to the emergency room of the hospital and succumbed to his injuries. The man suffered, among other things, significant head injuries due to kicks and punches, according to police at BLICK's request. However, no weapons were found on the scene.

Shortly after, police were able to arrest three men suspected of having participated in the conflict. There are three Portuguese at the age of 18, 24 and 36 years old.

The exact sequence of events and the reason for the dispute are not clear by authority. The police set up a special commission. This has already interviewed several people. Prosecutor's office seeks witnesses

The Kleinbasler Uferbereich, a few steps from the Mittlere Brücke, towards the barracks, is very busy with the hot summer evenings. As a result, the authorities began investigating their testimony. Homicides are not numerous in the canton of the city on the Rhine knee: for one year, crime statistics published in March report three murders; He had not had one in 2016. (rey / cat / SDA)

Published 28.07.2018 | Updated at 12:34 pm

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