BDP party chairman Martin Landolt wants to resign early 2020


The BDP needs defenders and new faces, Landolt said in an interview with the SonntagsBlick newspaper. "In the coming years, we are introducing a generational change." He wanted women and young people to be preferred on party lists.

He was part of this generation change, Landolt said. At the beginning of 2020, he wants to give up the presidency of the party. In the federal parliament, however, he wants to stay beyond the elections of the autumn of 2019, "if I am re-elected to Glarus."

Landolt, 50, has been national councilor since 2009 and president of the BDP since May 2012. In his election, he said the goal of wanting to break his party in 2019, the ten percent obstacle. He stated this in the interview, but acknowledged that the BDP must first become relevant again.

The BDP has been in existence for ten years and is losing voters and seats. The recent elections in Glarus and Graubünden have not changed either. In Bern, the party is over with a black eye. In the 2015 federal election, it reached 4.1% of the vote

In 2015, the BDP as the majority of the parliament was important, Landolt said in an interview. The loss of this role has done more harm than that of the Federal Council Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, he said. From 2019, the BDP wanted to help the progressive side to make a breakthrough. (SDA)

Published on 15.07.2018 | Updated at 12:21 pm

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