Berne: Intendant Märki leaves KTB – News Region: Bern and region


At a certain point, Stephan Märki said "read you are done" and handed the prepared manuscript to Nadine Borter with her explanation.

Borter had his first test as President of the Foundation Konzert Theater Bern . She announced the immediate departure of her most important employee, the steward. After six years at the head of Konzert Theater Bern, Stephan Märki leaves the house. Overnight. Actresses, singers, musicians and dancers have heard on Friday during their big bang holiday, drowning all the big bangs that have echoed in the house in recent years.

"I know I have a lot of important people and outside the theater very disappointing," said Märki again, so the voice failed. Borter read his text further. "But if the outside has become more important than the inside, if the discussion on how to direct a theater is more important than the theater's outing, I can not focus anymore on the reality, on the theatrical work. " [19659002] Refused by Oath

Das Aussen: This was the relationship between Sophie-Thérèse Krempl, most recently head of the house's media department, and Intendant Märki. The case has become after the last gossip of the staff on the subject, after the departure of the actor Cihan Inans was known: When Inan at the beginning of the season at KTB started, Krempl was still playwright head of his acting company. When there was a conflict between Krempl and Inan, because they did not share their views on the theater, Inan found himself in need: between the boss and the subordinate, who had a relationship together.

This newspaper reports the secret not very well kept. Everything was known in principle. Only Märki has apparently refused to the board of trustees until recently under oath that this relationship exists. "I do not want to comment on this," said the Marcel Brülhart Board of Directors

. According to informed sources, last Monday there was a scandal. After a journalist from the "SonntagsZeitung" harassed Märki with personal questions – for an interview that was to be published tomorrow – Märki and Krempl confessed to their relationship. The fabric of lies could no longer be sustained.

So the mess was done and the trust was so badly damaged that both parties saw that things were not going on. It was agreed to an immediate release of Märki and Krempl. For Märki, continued pay will be monitored until spring 2019. This resulted in negotiations this week.

All of this was not the subject of the press conference. There, the leaders of the KTB practiced secrecy. When everyone had read their texts, Märki, who had made a bad impression, left the room. "I am free now," he said, and left the hotel Schweizerhof, which served as a backdrop to the tragedy instead of the closed municipal theater

New Code of Conduct

Anton Stocker, the commercial director, runs the house ad interim. According to Brülhart, other experts need to be called. We are also looking for someone who will take over the interim section from 2019 to 2021. And yes, very importantly, the search for the new Intendanz is now urgent. Brulhart was confident. "Our house is so well positioned, our city is attractive, our house is attractive to the best minds," he read.

And Nadine Borter? The new chairman of the board of trustees tried to show his calm about the media file, which had been put under pressure due to lack of information. She promised a code of conduct for KTB, so that serious connections could be ruled out in the future. (Berner Zeitung)

created: 06.07.2018, 16:58

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