Best of: If the Grosi does not want to keep


By Marah Rikli, July 30, 2018

It's the summer holidays. That's why we publish contributions that have given a lot to talk about. This post appeared on January 15, 2018.

Greatgrand mother? Grandparents are under pressure to perform. Photo: Shutterstock

"Maurice is probably more important to my in-laws than" Anna-Matilda ", my friend Tim has recently revolted and got a lot of approval in the round. Grandparents who do not consider themselves a daycare or a daycare are selfish. That seems at least to be the common opinion.

The subject is a taboo. I do not know grandparents who communicate openly, preferring to travel or work instead of looking after their grandchildren. In particular, Grosis are the great assistants of many Swiss families, where both parents work: according to the generational report of 2008, grandmothers take care of their grandchildren about 100 million hours each year.

A lot of work, little to say if Grosi thinks he has raised enough children? Grandmothers will not get any better than we, the parents. They too are constantly evaluated and, therefore, draped, taught or discriminated against.

I can not blame grandparents who decide not to take care of their grandchildren on a regular basis. With all the idealism, the reality is that they are not paid, do not understand very well when they cancel or are sick, and must accept that while assuming many responsibilities, but must refuse their education: the free labor, the otherwise the mothers take over, with the only difference that they have less to say.

But grandparents who refuse to take care of their grandchildren are quickly considered grandparents. Often, their own children are insulted. Girls live emancipated but require that Grosis remain in traditional roles. An "ego-grosi" who prefers a few days in the mountains to their grandchildren, hears the same things as me when I work 100% or want to go on vacation without my children.

No grandparents

My son is now 13 years old. If he's as young as me, I could be grandmother in ten years. His sister would be 14 years old. At that time, what if I'm not ready for the grandchildren? If I do not want to change my work days to be able to cure them? Maybe I'm happy right now to finally have big kids. I could travel alone, enjoy the friendliness with my husband. All of this was not possible with small children for me. Am I a raven grandmother after being a raven mother? Perhaps we should ask this from time to time, when we are offended, because Grosi does not want to keep.

Because I also invite my mother and my mother-in-law to take care of my children. Although my husband and I often solved with each other or daycare, but with sick children, school vacations and overtime I would be stuck without grandparents.

Moreover, they give us a little respite during the week-end or during the holidays. I was already confused when it was not working with my grandmother and I thought: Is this trip now more important than the grandson? Yes, he is. And as well

See also: What grandparents must have, Mother-in-law, Grandmother should judge

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