Rahel Blocher takes over the management of AG Press, a BaZ Holding AG company. The youngest daughter of Christoph Blocher becomes chairman of the board of directors. His father and Rolf Bollmann, both already members of the board of directors, remain members of this board. Markus Somm, however, retires
Markus Somm and Rolf Bollmann had sold their shares in the publishing house AG Blocher, investment company Robinvest AG, said Thursday at AG AG newspaper. As a result, Robinvest is now the full owner of the new publishing house.
The Board of Directors of Swiss Regiomedia AG has also been reorganized. It is the subsidiary of Zeitungshaus AG, which publishes the 25 free weeklies in Eastern and Central Switzerland as well as in the cantons of Aargau, Bern, Solothurn and Zurich. Here too, Blocher's daughter, Rahel, takes over the presidency of the board of directors, and Markus Somm also retires
(nda / mbü)
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