Bündner Kunstmuseum – GPK report leaves open questions – News


A year ago, the decisions of the staff of the Bündner Kunstmuseum employed the canton of Graubünden. In June 2017, it was announced that Stephan Kunz will be dismissed as director, he should be followed by Nicole Seeberger.

The decision threw waves, especially Bündner Kulturschaffende supported Kunz. As a result, Councilor Martin Jäger announced a new solution: a co-leadership with Seeberger and Kunz

The Grand Chamber Review Board (GPK) announced that it was intending to consider the context of these decisions. Now the report is available

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View of Graubunden Kunstmuseum.


The GPK does not draw a clear conclusion. The exact reasons for the decisions therefore remain unclear. It was already clear that they had to do with the director's leadership style.

The GPK notes, however, that Martin Jäger has communicated the decision "in a non-optimal manner". This greatly contributed to the fact that the resistance was so great and the staff decision was finally revised.

The report also indicates that the construction of the Kunstmuseum has increased the pressure on employees. The Kunstmuseum has not always considered the effects of extensions on the staff in its plans.

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