It was one of the worst pediatric cases in Switzerland: Roland W. had sexually assaulted ten boys between the ages of 8 and 15 between 1994 and his arrest in early 2015. The district court Dietikon ZH condemned this 53-year-old Swiss has a nine-year, four-month sentence in May 2017 for sexual assault, child sex, pornography and other offenses.
Friday morning, he went to the high court. Roland W. wants to reduce the sentence to seven years. It certainly was not fair, he told the Supreme Court. He emphasized how sorry he was about everything. His actions should also be punished, but he said the sentence was "extremely high". Before the District Court, the defense had designated a three-year partial sentence, as the case may be.
The prosecutor has requested a prison sentence of up to 12 years. Due to individual time limits established at first instance, one year lower than those of the district court.
Victim under sedation
After years of denial, the accused confessed for the first time that he had sometimes calmed the boys. But only if he wanted to film the attacks, "not every time I visit him". He had wanted to prevent them from receiving the recordings and sexual acts filmed. The other actions had been "rather a whole thing in the dark under the blanket".
Depending on his age, he gave them a quarter to a half tablet of an effective sleeping pill. He categorically denied having administered the drug in a glass to the boys. He gave it to them as a pill on the pretext that it could make them sick on the waterbed.
As one judge pointed out, however, none of the victims ever spoke of a tablet. All except the detailed details of the incidents, to the extent that they had been awake. And they all agreed to mention the glass.
"The prosecutor's office is not aware of the injustice"
The advocate made every effort to help his client. He cited legal shortcomings and filed procedural defects. Thus, some victim impact statements from the investigation are not usable – in this regard, however, "the attorney general's office has not committed any wrongdoing".
The accused, who has been in custody for several months, began treatment ordered by the district court. And he demonstrated their positive effect. Through the therapy, he realized what he had done to the children, he said. Thanks to the therapy, he also admitted sedation.
The court largely upheld the trial judgment of the Dietikon ZH District Court in May 2017. The man was found guilty of multiple sexual restraints, multiple sexual acts with children, multiple pornography and other offenses. He must pay compensation to the victims and pay the costs of the proceedings.
The district court judgment, Dietikon, had transferred the accused and the prosecution to the district court. The prosecutor was 9 years and 4 months of imprisonment too little. She required 12 years in front of the high court.
For its part, the respondent wanted to reduce the sentence to seven years. He knew that it was "out of order" what he had done, he said. He also knew that his actions had to be punished. But he finds the trial sentence "extremely high". As for the reduction of sentence, the man failed in the second instance. (Neo / SDA)
* Known name
Posted on 19.10.2018 | Updated 27 minutes ago
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