Cheat at the Auw Dairy?


Allegations of fraud are made against Milchgold Käse AG. A former supplier filed a complaint with the BLW and filed a criminal complaint.

Heinz Abegglen

  The owner of the company, Melchior Schürmann, is suspected. (Photo: Heinz Abegglen (Auw, July 17, 2018))

The owner Melchior Schürmann is suspected. (Photo: Heinz Abegglen (Auw, July 17, 2018))

The case is a bit reminiscent of the Postauto affair: the Auw cheese dairy allegedly received federal funding illegally. By this, it is the Verkäsungszulage. The results of the investigation are not yet available, the presumption of innocence applies.

The case was taken over by the "Bauern-Zeitung" in its issue last Friday. A milk producer from Lucerne Seetal noted discrepancies. The quantities of milk reported by Milchgold Käse AG to the Federal Office of Agriculture (BLW) were consistently higher than those shown on its monthly milk bill. From January 2016 to May 2017, the difference was about 3,000 kilograms each. He concluded that the cheese factory had received 450 francs a month for excess cooking.

He informed the BLW last fall, who then opened an investigation. He also filed a criminal complaint with state prosecutor Muri-Bremgarten for fraud. Fiona Strebel, spokesperson for the Canton of Aargau, simply confirmed the receipt of the announcement. There are still clarifications in progress, a procedure has not been opened. It is probably to know to what extent the FOAG or the criminal authorities are responsible for the case.

Cheese Production Allowance

The casein subsidy is paid since 1999 and is raised to 15 cents per kilogram of processed milk. As a support measure for the dairy market, it should enable the production of cheese in Switzerland at competitive prices. Last year, 263 million Swiss francs were spent in federal funds. It is charged to the milk processors who have to repay the contribution to the milk producers. They are required to daily record the quantities delivered by the producers, to carry out a daily control of their use and to present them to the FOAG control bodies upon request. The amount of cashless payments paid depends on the amount declared by the processors to the FOFO.

Referring to the current procedure, Melchior Schürmann, owner of Milchgold Käse AG, did not want to comment on the telephone number. Also with the BLW were with the same reason no other details to learn. With regard to possible sanctions, the media authority referred to Article 171 of the Agricultural Law. "Unjustly collected contributions … must be repaid or compensated independently of the application of the penal provisions. Before the decision is made, the persons concerned will have the right to be heard … ", it is stated in the written answer. As it was learned by a farmer milk producer, the BLW apparently occupies the issue: the suppliers of the Milchgold AG cheese dairy were invited to submit documents until 2012.

Shareholders are mainly farmers

Die Freiämter Käserei AG in Auw was founded in 2010 with a registered capital of 2.5 million francs. The shareholders are mainly dairy producers. According to the board of directors Hugo Abt, Rottenschwil, they are involved in the company for every delivery of 5000 kg with a share of 500 francs. However, the Freiämter Käserei AG is not in business but has rented the building and the infrastructure to the sole owner of Milchgold Käse AG, Melchior Schürmann. Finally, Milchgold Handels AG is the third company to market cheese. It is controlled by Benedikt Felder – he is also chairman of the board of Freiämter Käserei AG – and Schürmann. Hugo Abt is himself a milk supplier for the cheese factory. Farmers have been in the picture for half a year on the incidents, he says. "No one was hurt by us. It's up to the cheese maker and the BLW to fix it. "

If the suspicion of fraud is confirmed, the case has a certain explosiveness, because Milchgold Käse AG is a major player among milk processors: in 2017, it received 9.3 million francs from casemation premiums, the third behind Emmi (45.6 million) and Züger Frischkäse AG (16.5 million).). According to the welcome page, the company produces around 4,000 tons of cheese per 80% is exported, 12 million kilograms of milk come from shareholders and 30 million kilograms are purchased outside the region.

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