Constantine against "Le Nouvelliste" – two institutions of Valais quarrel


  And between the two, FC Sion wins the Cup final - as in 1991, with the house newspaper as the sponsor of the jersey. (Image: Keystone)

And between the two, FC Sion wins the Cup final – as in 1991, with the house newspaper as a jersey sponsor. (Photo: Keystone)

FC Sion President Christian Constantin blocks Le Nouvelliste newspaper. The story is more than just a local event in the hot summer. This is about the business model of Constantine

Samuel Burgener, Sion

The hot summer stuffing of Valais has reached a new level of heat. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the local media Canal 9, Radio Chablais, Rhône FM Radio Rottu and "Walliser Bote" have published an open letter to Christian Constantin. The president of FC Sion had decided Friday, the newspaper "Le Nouvelliste" excluded. It denies publishers and photographers access to the Tourbillon stadium in Sion, forbids interviews with players or staff. The local media solidarity in the letter to the "Nouvelliste", criticize Constantine, claim an early arbitration. Constantine, for its part, also published Wednesday an open letter to the Valais media. In any solidarity, they are likely to submit their season accreditation

The exclusion of "Le Nouvelliste" is a first in Swiss football and a unique event in the tight story of the 115-year-old newspaper and of the 109-year-old club. It is a conflict between two Valais institutions whose followers and customers are to a large extent the same. How can this happen?

Well: The rich and vain club owner, architect and real estate merchant Constantin feels attacked for a long time, is stung. In this condition, it is an effort for his environment. But the story of the Nouvellist is about more.

Vincent Fragnière was editor-in-chief of the Nouvelliste for four and a half years. He has developed a local newspaper of modern type: close to the readership, close to the protagonists, of diversified form, criticism of the attitude. He interviewed Constantine and his self-employment for some time. A first scandal occurred in the fall after Constantine slapped the TV expert Rolf Fringer. Constantine describes the attack as "an answer to the Valaisian way".

  Christian Constantin blocks the newspaper "Le Nouvelliste" until further notice. (Image: Laurent Gillieron / Keystone)

Christian Constantin blocks the newspaper "Le Nouvelliste" until further notice. (Photo: Laurent Gillieron / Keystone)

Fragnière writes that Constantine is taking the canton hostage. And that Wallis no longer exists, where physical violence is an answer. Fragnière dismissed Constantine's role as protector of Valais. Constantine was deeply hurt. He's still considered a pioneer in the marginal township, like Robin Hood of an oppressed minority, trapped between Gletsch in Goms and St. Gingolph on Lake Geneva. Constantin presents himself as an insurgent fighting against the urban centers of Zurich, Basel, Berne and Geneva – in the "Valaisan way".

Constantin refuses to allow the Nouvellist to participate in the training camp of FC Sion in January in Italy. As a result, Fragnière Constantin repeatedly criticized the bad results, for the many changes of players and coaches. And for his alone in Sitten's candidacy for the Winter Olympics in 2026, which was a communicative disaster and was rejected by people in June.

As a result, Constantine and the leaders of the Nouvelliste sat several times, but insisted on their positions, On Thursday they met again, on Friday Constantine decided the exclusion. He had to do it, he would not let any more "controversial comments" from Fragnières, he said. The "Nouvelliste" described the exclusion in a statement as "attack on freedom of the press and expression". Editor-in-chief Sandra Jean wrote that the newspaper was not the communicator of Constantine and FC Sion.

That's right, of course. But the question is complicated.

The link between FC Sion and "Le Nouvelliste" is narrow, the report is often sympathetic, and Constantin's relations with journalists are friendly. FC Sion needs the "Nouvelliste", the "Nouvelliste" needs FC Sion. When FC Sion played in the Europa League in the autumn of 2015 and there were still some tickets to buy the day before the match against Bordeaux, the "Nouvelliste" on the front page was addressing to the readers. Come to the stadium, was the message.

Luisier and the "Nouvelliste"

The relationship between FC Sion and the "Nouvelliste" has been emotional for decades. Sioner André Luisier worked from 1949 to 1994 as editor and owner of the newspaper. Luisier cut the "Nouvelliste" on a conservative line, spreading the slogans of the CVP and the Catholic Church. He represented a seemingly pious Valais society characterized by nepotism and excluding dissidents


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