Deadly mountain crash in Valais – Climber on Lagginhorn crushed – News


Deadly mountain crash in Valais – Lagginhorn mountaineer crushed – News – SRF

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On the Lagginhorn above Saas-Grund, a mountaineer died on Saturday morning.

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Keystone (image of the icon)

The mountaineer left Hohsaas to Lagginhorn around 17:00, as the cantonal police in Wallis said. He wanted to climb the summit at 4010 meters altitude by the normal route (Westsüdwestgrat).

At an altitude of about 3540 meters, he left the track and engaged in rough terrain. Two mountaineers had seen the climber shortly before. On their return, they informed the keeper of the Weissmieshütte about the choice of the mountaineer's route.

Air Zermatt, later mobilized, located in the late afternoon the body of the mountaineer on the Fletschhorn glacier. According to the notification, the victim could not yet be formally identified. The public prosecutor opened an investigation

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