Dear Mr Baudirektor resigns – News Zurich: Region


If we were to characterize Markus Kägi in a short film, we could simply record his final vote on the water law of last Monday and provide some explanatory words. The construction director had presented a balanced bill to the Cantonal Council – but his own party, the SVP, has missed it all with the FDP, the CVP and the EDU, which makes it clear that the green-left referendum has good chances. At countless meetings, Kägi was defended and had resisted the demands of his own people – to no avail.

And what did Markus Kägi do exactly in his last word? He talked about the fact that the many changes were "nothing wrong". That the law is now clearer, the benefits will outweigh it. Only very, very calm, criticism could recognize who listened exactly. As Kägi said: "Ecological concerns may be somewhat relativized, but they are now for the first time in the law."

A Gentile

That's how he is, the man who runs the building department since 2007. Previously, he was Ombudsman, and that too is characteristic of him.Kägi is above all a thing: very decent and affable.The disrespectful and aggressive snap that some keep in his group is not his thing.If you talk with fellow politicians and opponents, the word "dear" is surprisingly surprising.Kägi himself said yesterday that fairness is his

This being made of Kägi not only popular as a patron, but also as a government adviser.The 64-year-old man, who started his political career forty years ago in his hometown of Niederglatt, is con stunned as open, very flexible and well documented.

As nice as the director of construction, his character was so important in politics The work of the bones sometimes on the way. He rarely lobbied for his legislative proposals – his willingness to cooperate on the contrary went so far as to help political opponents formulate paragraphs that he actually rejected. The decision maker has never been Kägi. And this is reflected in the record of his eleven years as Director of Construction. It has one thing in common: having a very heterogeneous store under control. After all, construction and civil engineering unite under one roof with the protection of nature and landscape.

Especially in the conservation of nature, the passionate hunter did not notice as a driving force. Although nature in the Canton of Zurich is no less well off than before – but not much better either. The energy transition has hardly taken place under Kägi, and today, it still holds at atomic energy. The Kulturland initiative would have degenerated into a paper tiger underneath him if the federal court had not intervened. The decision to limit Giusep Fry's freedoms on the Uetliberg pushed Kägi before him, until there was no other way.

The balance in the construction sector looks better, although the epic clash around the police and justice The memory will remain, but not only the director of the building has caused. The additional costs discussed by the media in the PJZ, the new construction of the Uitikon Measures Center and the Strickhof in Lindau somewhat obscure the fact that Kägi controlled the overall costs. Kägi has set a kind of personal memorial to protect Zurich from floods. In general, flood protection was important to him.

But hunters prefer to remember him the most. Kägi was one of them, for whom he always worked with great zeal. His most important legacy may well be the new Hunting Law – provided that people do not abandon it prematurely in September with a yes to the popular "gamekeeper instead of hunters" initiative. A Yes, Kägi would do more harm than the next law on the no to the water of February.


created: 11.07.2018, 23:15

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