Several hundred people demonstrated Thursday evening in Lucerne for the rights of refugees. They criticized, among other things, the mismanagement of the asylum system in Lucerne and the asylum law. Solinetz Lucerne had called for the march
The procession of about a kilometer long led the protesters from the Mühleplatz beyond Reuss, past the government building until the end of the day. at Helvetiaplatz. "I am human too," was the slogan of the rally. In addition to those affected, there were also many people on the ground who were in solidarity with the refugees.
One speaker demanded fairness for all refugees. Many would live the same way as in a waiting room. The banners indicated: "For 12 years, my name was a refugee", "No one escapes for no reason" or "No deletion by the F card".
Worried on the way, they spoke of the precarious living conditions of the Refugee organizers in the canton of Lucerne. According to this document, asylum seekers were provisionally receiving less than half of social assistance, which was set in Switzerland for subsistence level.
The newly created association Solinetz is committed to improving the situation of refugees in Central Switzerland. It offers, among other things, twice a month free advice on legal and integration issues.
Alongside the Reformed and Catholic Churches of the City of Lucerne are HelloWelcome, Pfasyl, Mondoj – Autonomous Network, Lucerne Asylum Lucerne Lawyers and Sentitreff Association.
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