Disposal of Babilon: 1.4 million cubic meters of excavated material can be removed – Freiamt – Aargau


From the Babilon landfill for the excavation materials own in Dietwil, officially opened on Wednesday, some advantages: The construction industry still needs a lot of space to deposit the land, the Affected farmers will later have better crop rotation areas. Last but not least, the landfill injects money into the community treasury. Dieter Greber, chairman of the Freiamt AG landfill site, was pleased that the landfill could now be commissioned after a longer than average time. Babilon is the third landfill to be built and operated since 2002.

Two million invested

The first contact with the community dates back to 2004, Greber said. In 2012, contracts were signed with landowners. In accordance with the directive and the decision of the city council, the environmental impact study and the building permit were published early 2017. This is a duration of 14 years. "Usually, eight years are enough for that," Geber can laugh today. As of now, approximately 1.4 million cubic meters of material can be replenished in a landfill of approximately 16 hectares. "We expect an eight-year recharge period," Greber said, noting that new opportunities for excavation sites are being sought. Up to now, the Freiamt AG landfill has invested about two million francs in the Babilon landfill. From September, an electronic access system will be operational as well as the generation of electronic delivery notes and digital installation control. "So we always know where and how much material will be installed." After the cooldown, the turn lane on the cantonal road will be dismantled. Already realized is a disclosure of the Creek at 210 meters.

Good for the community

Pius Wiss, Dietwil parish worker, thanked the landowners and voters for their yes to the landfill. "On the one hand, this solves a problem for the region, and on the other hand, it generates revenue for the community." He also expressed his satisfaction that environmental associations have "never have been really separated. The reason could have been the decided ecological improvements, which will provide additional habitat for many animals, as Wiss pointed out. Michael Madliger, director of the Contaminated Sites section at the Ministry of Construction, Transportation and the Environment, emphasized the importance of excavation sites. "From 2022, we will need 300,000 cubic meters of excavated material each year at Freiamt." Because the Freiamt does not have any mining sites, such as gravel, that could be filled, landfills must be found.

A first truck unloaded its cargo in the Babilon landfill. In addition, a day of open landfill for the population will be organized in September.

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