Dodgers vs. Inspector – Inspector VBZ in detention – News


Six people slightly injured and two arrests. This is the result of a ticket inspection in Zurich. The passenger and several VBZ inspectors set off. Spicy: Now, Inspector VBZ is in detention.

The inspector of the Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich (VBZ) carried out a ticket check on the bus line 46 last Sunday. The 20-year-old man did not have a valid ticket with him. He had told the inspector to pay him a penalty, said the black driver of the newspaper Blick

The inspectors had recorded the personal details while they were still in the bus. When they got off the bus at Wipkingen station, he grabbed the buses and said that he wanted the train. Since the controller had been extremely slow and swollen.

The 20-year-old man insulted the man according to the newspaper. The inspector then seized him by the collar and violently knocked him down. The passenger then punched him. Finally, the other controllers also went looking for him. The 20-year-old man had his head so cracked on the sidewalk that his glasses were broken

The controller with whom he had started the quarrel kicked him in the head while he was tied on the ground. was. He hit his temples, his jaw, his ear and the back of his head. The coroner later found some minor internal bleeding

VBZ regrets the incident

The five slightly injured VBZ workers have since left the hospital for outpatient treatment and are receiving follow-up treatment from their doctor of family. [19659003] With the VBZ we do not want to express ourselves in the current procedure. But we regret the incident. "Of the 3 million controls we do every year, there are very few cases where aggression is at stake," says VBZ spokeswoman Silvia Behofsits

. but the controller was murdered. Normally, VBZ employees are attacked with footsteps, punches or pepper spray.

"Our employees have internal training, and in debates with passengers we debrief." In the process, inspectors learn to behave in a de-escalating manner in difficult situations.

Haft for Inspector VBZ

The case seems so serious that the prosecutor asked him to question the detention of the judge.This application is now granted for a period of one year. month.

"The reason is the risk of breakdown," said prosecutor Sabine Schwarzwälder. "It's because more people are involved. We will do further research and provide more clarification. "Because other VBZ employees suffered minor injuries, a complaint was also lodged against the Dodgers.

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